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This page provides information on the rules and regulations for approaching Giurgiuleshti Port in Moldova on the Danube River. It includes a checklist of documents needed prior to arrival, information on berthing during night time, and the final approach procedure. The page also highlights selected information from the port rules and other useful information, such as the requirement for a port pilot and the need to inform Danube Logistics when the vessel passes Danube Mile 44.

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This page provides instructions for vessel operations and highlights the importance of calling the agent in case of any issues or emergencies. The agent is responsible for managing various aspects of port operations, including customs, stevedoring, and crew welfare. The page also provides contact information for the Danube agent available 24/7.

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Sulina Canal is a man-made canal in the middle of the three major shipping arms of the Danube Delta in Romania. It is the main navigation route for passenger and commercial traffic, with depths ranging from 10m to 14m and a max draft of 7.32m. The canal was dug between 1880 and 1902 to facilitate river traffic and shorten the natural course of the Sulina arm. This page provides a brief history and description of Sulina Canal, as well as an overview of navigation restrictions and regulations.

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